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Sorry the box won't allow me to keep using the display mode if I don't pay, and I ain't giving them money, so we're back to this.
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Hey bichirs it’s me again I’m coming clean and admitting that it was I doing all the trolling, dozing, griefing, and spamming over the last...
So let me get this straight:
ReplyDelete1.FDA wants until 2096 to release Pfizer vaccine data. Because 2075 wasn't good enough, they now want it pushed back to 2096. Why? Why do they need so much time to release safety and efficacy data? Because they have shit to hide, that's why.
2. Israel is on their 4th shot in LESS THAN A YEAR and currently discussing a 5th, AND Pfizer CEO is now saying a 4th shot for Americans is coming sooner rather than later all because of Omicron.....BUT BUT BUT Literally every single country reporting Omicron cases have all been incredibly mild.
3. So you need your 3rd shot booster, and then another 4th booster soon after for the variant that is as mild as mild gets and has barely noticeable symptoms? And then will likely need a 5th booster soon after the 4th. So 4-5 shots a year for likely an eternity. Yeah....
4. Most countries have purchased enough vaccine supplies for each eligible child and adult to receive at least 11 doses. 11 doses of a vaccine that is doing jack shit to curb the pandemic and where the vaccinated are driving the cases? Mmhmm...
Keep being sheep BHB.
This. I've had my first two but I refuse to get anymore. Most people I know are falling into this camp of not wanting anymore. A few have said they will get one booster but nothing more after that. I feel like we are being held hostage to the vaccines and the fact that they need 75 years to release data on Pfizer? Something majorly stinks.
ReplyDeleteI'm not into conspiracy theories but there's no way Pfizer isn't hiding something big. I know there's copyrights and shit for medical advancements and new drugs and stuff but it still doesn't sit well with me. In 75 years most everyone alive now will be dead, so it will be easy to brush off vaccine related injuries and deaths because everyone will be dead anyway.
ReplyDeleteI'm not getting the vaccine, my child is not getting the vaccine if I can help it, I'll homeschool if thats what it takes, but we're not getting that jab.
If bhbrs want to be guinea pigs for an experimental vaccine that hasn't been out for a year, they're welcome to do it. I'm gonna be over here waiting it out, masking and distancing.
I'm not into conspiracies' either but they are definitely hiding something. 75 years from now nobody during this pandemic except for people age 15ish and younger will be alive, and by then they will be too old to do anything. And that's even if they are still alive and not suffering some horrendous life long vaccine induced injuries. Why does nobody on BHB have a care in the world about this? They act like hiding pertinent medical data for an almost an entire century is normal.
DeleteIf someone that knows about viruses and epidemics could chime in here, please. So, the new covid strain causes much more mild symptoms, could it be bc the virus is mutating into much weaker strains? Could it eventually mutate itself into a mostly harmless virus?
ReplyDeleteI know I'm dumb, i don't know anything about this, I just want life to go back to normal.
Virus's always mutate to become weaker. They become more transmissible but are significantly weaker in symptoms and severity. They claimed that Delta was more severe but if you actually look at real data and facts, it was not. It was more transmissible yes but less severe in terms of symptoms than the original strain. What's happening is that the media and FRUADCI are desperate to push these vaccines into people so they claim that each new variant is worse than the next. They claimed Delta was the "child killer" so they could push the vaccines on kids, now they will claim Omicron is the "infant killer" so they can push the vaccines on the under 5 crowd.
DeleteI fell victim to the vaccine brigade and got the first two doses, but I won't anymore. I was all for the boosters until I really started putting two and two together and especially with the FDA trying to hide Pfizers documents until 2096. Something is horribly amiss, but unfortunately so many have fallen victim to the charade and will continue to do so.
Thank you. I'm not getting the vax, honestly. I'm scared of the reasons why they want to hide so much data for 75 years. And they keep wanting people to get more and more "boosters", I'm not doing that, and i'm not putting my kids thru that.
DeleteYup, PP is correct. Virus's become weaker with every mutation. They only time mutations would become deadlier would be in the event of a leaky vaccine. The history of mRNA vaccines and clinical trials is utterly horrifying. What's funny is that BHB was all "these vaccines are rushed, I'm not taking them, mRNA is scary, etc" during the first half of the pandemic, but the day Biden was sworn in suddenly they all changed their tune and the vaccines were magically safe. People are buying into the vaccines because they are desperate for "normal" to return, and because they believe the top world elites would never do this to humanity. But if you actually take a look through history they have committed genocide and many other atrocities against humanity previously. This isn't anything new. Sadly for most of BHB by the time they wake up, it will be too late for many of them.
DeleteViruses don’t ALWAYS mutate to become weaker, just because you both agree doesn’t make that true.
Delete“The only time mutations would become deadlier would be in the event of a leaky vaccine”
LOL what?!? No.
OFTEN yes, mutations are less severe or have no real impact. Other times they do indeed become both more virulent AND more transmissible.
Ebola. West Nile. Spanish flu.
For people who claim to have more knowledge than the rest of us sheep, y’all sure don’t know crap about shit lmao
I'm active on the covid thread and have received my first two doses, but neither myself nor my husband will be getting any boosters. I only keep up appearances there now.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see it mentioned above but Pfizer also added a heart attack stabilizer called Tromethamine to the children's vaccines. If the heart problems from the vaccines were rare they would deal with the few patients whom it happens too, but instead they lied and added a fucking heart stabilizer to A CHILDRENS VACCINE because of how widespread heart related issues are after Pfizer in children. Why does THIS not bother anybody on BHB?
It doesn't bother them because they either assume it's's not, it's been fact checked and is directly listed in the Pfizer documents itself. OR they know this to be true but still believe myocarditis is rare and "not a big deal". Most of BHB also seems to believe that any more future covid vaccines will only be once a year. They are going to be in for a VERY rude awakening when they realize they will be getting between 3-5 doses a year for the remainder of their lives. And with each dose comes more risk of serious complications.
DeleteTake a look at Newsom in CA. He suffered from vaccine induced Bells Palsy but then lied about it. While this was happening he was pushing for vaccines for the 5-11 crowd, but then refused to get his own child vaccinated because of what happened to him. When Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, was asked how many CDC employees were vaccinated she couldn't answer. She kept skirting around the question. Why? Because the vast majority of CDC, FDA, Pfizer and Moderna employees are not vaccinated. But good ole BHB eats this shit up like it's normal.
Wrong again, dumbos. Christ.
DeleteTromethamine isn’t a “heart stabilizer” and it was added to ALL vaccines, and it definitely wasn’t a secret lmao. It’s a stabilizing ingredient used in other vaccines and medications and non-medical products too, it extends shelf-life, essentially.
I want to ask the loud women on the vax for kids thread if their own child died of myocarditis, or any other covid19 vaccine complication, if they would still consider the risks worth it?
ReplyDeleteThey're going pretty hard at chaos even tho she already said she would vax her kids.
Chaos doesn't seem to be antivax, or even vaccine hesitant in general, it's only the covid vax she doesn't trust. And I don't blame her. This thing came out way too fast, and too many side effects are emerging, they keep suggesting more and more boosters, and now the 75 year data lock.
I'm sorry I'm not as noble as some of them, but I'm not willing to risk even more horrific side effects for a vaccine that is at experimental level at best.
I don't understand why they are going so hard on Chaos either. And I am tired of the whole "you're anti-vax if you don't want this vaccine". My kiddos, husband and myself all have the standard childhood vaccines and then some from traveling to various parts of the world, so we are not anti-vax by any means, just anti-covid vax.
ReplyDeleteI actually think you hit the nail on the head with your first statement. If they, their children, or a close loved one suffered horrendous side effects I guarantee you they would be singing a different tune. But it hasn't happened to them *yet* so they don't care that an inhumane amount of adults and children have suffered side effects from these shots.
I love how the triple jabbed are now turning on the double jabbed all because they haven't gotten a booster yet.
ReplyDeleteConversations on BHB these days:
op: I'm considering not going to xmas eve at my family's house because they haven't gotten boosted yet, they only have the first two shots. It's unsafe right?
We live in a fucking clown world and BHB is the president. The stupidity runs deeps within all of you.
LOL In a few months its going to be like a competition to see who's got the most boosters.
DeleteOh god I'm pretty sure it already is a competition to many of them. I've noticed a lot of hate for the unboosted too. I wonder how many boosters BHB will subject too before they say no more. And for all of the idiots in the back who think this is only going to be a once a year shot going forward, good luck to you because you'll be getting poked at minimum 3-4 times a year for the rest of your lives.
DeleteNot only is it a competition to some but I also see a sense of "I'm better than you because I got X brand of the vaccine". Who gives a flying toot what brand of vaccine you got, and nobody cares that you are vaccinated anyway.
DeleteI will say a lot of people around me who were ear deep in the koolaid are starting to wake up a little. Many of them are refusing to get boosters. I only a small handful of people in real life who are BHB level crazy about the vaccines.
OH and now on the covid thread they are back to "natural immunity doesn't exist because this scientist who is a crazy hardcore covid vaccine pusher said so". Well duh of course they are saying natural immunity doesn't exist because they want to scare people into getting the vaccine. Anybody who has any common sense knows that natural immunity is very much a real thing.
I'm vaccinated but starting to question some things and I need somebody to answer. If the vaccines don't stop transmission but work more like the flu vaccines and simply only help control severity of symptoms then why are we so afraid of the unvaxxed and blaming them for everything? Also I have noticed as of late that BHB seems to think it's a good thing that the vaccinated are getting infected? Like what, please explain? It also seems that BHB recognizes that omicron is on the rise because "vaccinated are more likey to travel and the only ones who are allowed to travel", so does this mean you recognize that the vaccinated are not only responsible for spreading this newest variant but also created it as well? Somebody please make sense of this for me. I need normal people logic here.
ReplyDeleteWell for starters there is no such thing as logic on BHB. It's become incredibly apparent how much they are not willing to stray from what the MSM says. I too have noticed that many of them are chiming in saying that the only people they know with COVID are the vaccinated, but supposedly this is a good thing? In what universe is this a good thing? When the vaccinated are the ones creating and spreading varients THAT IS A BAD THING. It means that all future variants will become more and more vaccine resistent.
DeleteAnd you hit the nail on the head with the vaccinated and travel. I saw that remark this morning. They seem to acknowledge that the vaccinated are the ones who are responsible for having spread Omicron around the globe, yet simultaneously continue to blame it all on the unvaxxed. It makes no sense. Logic 101 straight out the window.
It's honestly sad to see how stupid and moronic so many of them have become. Also the first cases of Omicron were detected in vaccinated individuals. It wasn't detected in the unvaxxed until like 2 weeks later. So again, it's entirely the vaccinated causing this shit storm to happen right now.
Yes, this. I don't understand how they can logically continue to blame the unvaccinated when based on ALL of the info out their on Omicron, it originated from the vaccinated and has spread all over the world because of the vaccinated travelers, yet somehow the unvaccinated who are not allowed to travel/enter/leave most countries, let alone barely leave their house in many parts of the world are somehow the problem? Yeah. The vaccinated are the ones who are responsible for Omicron and any future variant going forward.
DeleteCornell University reported 903 cases of Covid-19 among students between December 7-13, and a "very high percentage" of them are Omicron variant cases in fully vaccinated individuals, according to university officials.
ReplyDeleteThe school's Covid-19 dashboard was updated late Tuesday afternoon, accounting for the jump in case numbers reported.
"Virtually every case of the Omicron variant to date has been found in fully vaccinated students, a portion of whom had also received a booster shot," said Vice President for University Relations Joel Malina in a statement.
Pandemic of the unvaccinated ehh?
^^^^^^^^ She's right you know. I literally don't understand how anybody can continue to shame or blame the unvaccinated at this point. The vaccinated are responsible for creating and spreading Omicron, the more vaccines they inject into themselves the worse this will all get.
DeleteI'm only here to call out Rysma. I remember when she got both her first and second doses because she made it a point to tell everybody she and her son were going together and she made it explicately clear that they both got made that comment on multiple occassions about having Moderna, but now tonight on the parse vaccines thread she claims she has only had Pfizer. I'm calling bullshit on her being vaccinated at all. I've noticed her hesitancy around the vaccines on many a thread but this sealed it for me. As stupid and petty as this, she is a prime example of a BHB'er pretending to be vaccinated all for the sake of BHB.
ReplyDeleteI remember this as well. It was around the same time that somebody had posted about the heart stuff from Israel data, like before CDC or Pfizer said anything, and she stated that she was glad her son had had Moderna. I really wonder how many on BHB are not actually vaccinated but play along because they don't want to get ripped to shreds.
DeleteI imagine that over half or more lie about being vaccinated. They parrot all those little COVID catch phrases like tRuSt ThE sCiEnCe bc it makes them seem smart and educated, when in reality they're just as afraid and wary of the vaccine as the rest of us. Not to mention they get to preach and act holier-than-thou over the unvaccinated.
DeleteFuck them. I don't let the opinions of a bunch of dumb sjws make me feel like some kind of leper just bc I choose not to get a brand new, practically untested vaccine with unknown long term effects.
Yep, I remember her making those comments too. It's fairly easy to spot who is likely vaccinated and who is just playing along purely by the phrases they use. I think it's comical how so many of them care what BHB thinks but don't care what the in real life people think. Why does everybody have so much self worth wrapped up in BHB?
DeleteYou know what I think is comical? Almost 2 years into the pandemic and we know that those who are obese and heavily overweight are among some of the more severe cases that require medical intervention. We also know that BHB as a whole is made up of mostly obese and heavily overweight women.
DeleteThese women who are so deathly afraid of a virus because they are obese are rushing out to get shots to "save them" but yet NONE of them are doing anything to actually start saving their health.
They don't make healthy lifestyle and diet choices, no exercise, etc because certainly it's better to be obese and afraid of a virus with a 99.986% survival rate rather than take charge of your health and start making better diet choices so they don't have to leave in the obese and afraid to die from a flu mentality anymore.
It kills me how much they care about these vaccines saving them but they can't be bothered to save themselves with better lifestyle choices. Fucking ridiculous.
Ill add to the comical train above. I think it's hilarious how BHB has taken a very anti big pharma stance over the years that I have been around and constantly pointed a finger at the massive profits big pharma made while complaining that pharma and most doctors were only in the profession for the money. But now? They think big pharma is the greatest saviour we have ever had, despite the fact that NOTHING has changed with big pharma.
DeleteChoo choo!
DeleteNot to mention the sheer number of Bhbrs that are medicated and medicate their kids LOL No complaining of big pharma when they need a pill to get through a normal day, or when they're shoving pills down their crotch goblins little throats to make them into little zombies that won't bug mommy for attention or help with homework cuz mommy needs 16 hours of "me time" to bitch out on Bhb.
I love how all of the worlds leading doctors, scientists, virologists, etc are all saying that the Omicron cases they have seen have all been incredibly mild and no worse than a basic cold, only lasting at most 3 days in majority of patients.
ReplyDeleteIn America: We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death because of Omicron.
Fauci: Omicron is the most severe variant yet!
Isn't it interesting that not a single other country on this earth reporting Omicron is having severe illness, only America. Isn't that somethin...
America has a fetish for fauci he's there dom and his worshippers will obey as the sub. he could tell them to jump of the cliff and they will
ReplyDeleteIsn't it sad? If they only knew the real Fauci. Once a sheep, always a sheep.
DeleteSeems to me like you're the one who can't get Fauci out of her mind. You spend so much time trashing him in this blog and the other one, people will think you're in love.
DeleteI made the isn't it sad comment but I've never commented here before. Are you even aware of Fauci's past criminal behavior? Go take a look at the HIV/AID pandemic and how the world felt about him them. Or you can check out any of the failed projects he led, such as ones where he killed a massload of black and brown children to test a "new and ultra safe vaccine!" that turned out not to be so safe after all. He also refused to compensate or do anything to help the families of the children he killed.
DeleteHe isn't the golden saviour you think he is.
Also he lied to congress about his gain of function research. This became apparent after not only paperwork that he had previously submitted to congress under Obamas administration where he asked for approval for a gain on function project on COVID, but more than half of his coworkers/employees who had everything to lose by testifying against him came forward with actual and literal evidence showing he used gain of function research on Sars Cov 2.
DeleteThe problem with the vas majority of you on BHB is that you are all to basic to actually seek out facts on your own, or you have no idea where to look, so instead you just blindly follow whatever MSM says.
"He isn't the golden saviour you think he is."
DeleteDude chill! I'm not even american, I don't give a fuck about Fauci.
And my comment wasn't to you, it was to the semi illiterate op, who called Fauci a dom. She's been leaving all sorts of barely coherent, sexual comments about Fauci and his "followers" all over the dirt blogs. I just think the lady doth protest too much, lol.
Where is anybody leaving sexual comments about Fuaci? I look here and at the other blog everyday and have barely seen him mentioned here, never at the other blog.
DeleteI'm not pp but I do remember one about a "dildo with fauci all over it". I remember bc it was so weird, so vulgar and ragey and making little sense.
DeleteBut whatevs, I think its stupid to get so worked up over this.
Poopy pants Brandon can't get even read a damn teleprompter. Dude looks like he is about to stroke out every time he opens his mouth.
ReplyDeleteLol I love all of the idiot women who are all "OMG those covid pills are way too scary and new to be taking" But here "lets take this brand new unsafe vaccines with horrifying side effects because it's so much better!"
ReplyDeleteAlso how many of you are going to ignore Lord Fuaci after his annoucement yesterday that its too "dangerous" to get together with family for Christmas even if boosted? My guess? All of you will ignore it and do as you please.
To BiggerFishToFry re: dislike of curtains and blinds.
ReplyDeleteYour neighbors are probably tired of looking at an ugly fat bitch and think you're too cheap to invest a few bucks in frost film or blinds.
The why wait thread is driving me crazy. I love how BHB is still "there is no proof of negative side effects of any kind". Seriously BHB SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THESE DAMN VACCINES AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY STOP OBSESSING OVER THEM.
ReplyDeleteIf people want to get fucking vaxxed, awesome. If people want to wait because they want more transparency so fucking be it. If people don't want the shot at all, then fucking spectacular.
It seems like a lot of you who obsess over others vaccines status are perhaps starting to regret your choice to be vaccinated?
I couldn't agree more. The obsession over others vaccine status and wanting to know why somebody may have waited for whatever amount of time is becoming ridiculous. There is enough data out there on Omicron and the vaccines are not working against it, so who cares if anybody has waited at this point. It's not your business if somebody wants the vaccine or doesn't want the vaccine.
DeleteFunny enough I'm starting to see some shifting opinions on BHB, especially a lot of people thinking children's vaccines are more risky
I've noticed some changes in opinions too. But I've also noticed that the hardcore vaccinated are doubling down harder then ever.
DeleteEither way though I absolutely agree with PP above that the vaccine threads need to stop. It's nobody's business what you have or have no injected into your body, and it's nobody's business if you choose to get the shot immediately or delay it a few weeks for whatever reason.
I'm curious to know how BHB feels about Biden throwing in the towel on Covid? He claims it can't be fixed at the federal level anymore. Well no shit poopy pants. If It can't be fixed at the federal level it sure as shit can't be fixed at the state level either. And if you realllllllyyyyy want this to go away stop giving in to the hysteria and propoganda.
ReplyDeleteLook at how many of them are jumping on the CDC meme train. BUT they still worship CDC and Fauci like there is no tomorrow. Bunch of hypocrites.
DeleteDaaamn some of y’all come here and just lie, lie, lie LOL. I say “some” even though I think a lot of this is the same person writing to themselves, given the same uses of misspellings and poor grammar and general ignorance over and over. I’ll rewrite my responses from above so they’re not missed, YOU’RE WELCOME.
ReplyDeleteFirst though let’s address the Rysma lie. I don’t know her and am gathering that she’s not liked or trusted much here, but you can literally search all her posts where she repeatedly discusses herself and son getting Pfizer, and her husband getting Moderna.
So that was a pointless lie.
NEXT these quotes. Which are ~apparently~ from 2 different ppl lolol
ReplyDelete“Virus's always mutate to become weaker.”
“Yup, PP is correct. Virus's become weaker with every mutation. They only time mutations would become deadlier would be in the event of a leaky vaccine.”
D’oh, someone who talks a lot about viruses* doesn’t even know the basics of viruses!
Often mutations weaken a virus, yes, and other times they strengthen its virulence AND transmissibility. Aka increase the severity and deadliness. Like in nature this happens. Not just with imperfect vaccines. Ebola or the Spanish flu are some examples.
Since mutation occurs every time a virus replicates, the chance of a deadlier strain emerging increases when more replications are occurring.
Now, take a guess in which population the most replication is happening, like the VAST MAJORITY of Covid replications. The unvaccinated, that’s right!!
This gem, LOL:
ReplyDelete“Pfizer also added a heart attack stabilizer called Tromethamine to the children's vaccines. If the heart problems from the vaccines were rare they would deal with the few patients whom it happens too, but instead they lied and added a fucking heart stabilizer to A CHILDRENS VACCINE because of how widespread heart related issues are after Pfizer in children. Why does THIS not bother anybody on BHB?”
Probably because Tromethamine isn’t a heart attack stabilizer, lmao.
It stabilizes the VACCINE because it’s a pH adjuster.
Also it was added to ALL Pfizer vaccines, not just children’s. And it was already in all Moderna vaccines. Lots of others too.
It’s also probably in some of your skin care stuff RIGHT NOW!! :gasp: It’s in tons of cleansers, serums, eye and brow (and other) makeup, eye gels, face masks, hand/face creams, hand sanitizers, so much more.
If you’ve ever used Neutrogena, Clinique, Urban Decay, E.L.F, hundreds of others I can’t type all out, you’ve slathered that shit right onto your skin.
[Side note, one of tromethamine’s medical uses is to regulate acidity in body fluids in cases of metabolic acidosis (which can happen after multiple conditions, including cardiac arrest) which is probably from where some dumbass twisted stuff into this silly lie.]
But yeah. Be mad about it *now* lmao
Who’s trying to sound “cool”? The comments were just correcting misinformation….
ReplyDeleteYou’re definitely no medical professional if you thought THAT sounded idiotic but the comments being corrected, that were completely wrong, did not.
Girl, I rarely comment here. I have never commented here before because not everything said in medical terms was incorrect. Some of what YOU have stated is incorrect though.
DeleteThe vast majority of virus's we see on this planet become weaker in mutation in terms of severability. Are there some that don't? Sure, but not Sars-COV2. I work in virology so please do not attempt to argue with me. I have been part of several different teams that have studied every single variant. Most of what the MSM is pushing to you in incorrect. They recently pushed a judge's comments about there being over 100,000 children in the hospital from Covid. This is horribly incorrect. Less than 4,000 children GLOBALLY have been admitted to the hospital WITH covid as part of their symptoms, not because of COVID directly. If your kid breaks their leg and you take them to the ER where they perform covid testing and your kid tests positive even with no symptoms, guess what? Your kid is going in the database as a covid patient. Fauci himself has even commented on these events surrounding children happening through the course of the pandemic. Numbers being mega inflated and yah yah yah.
I have no desire to argue with you as your attitude is coming off as very "I am the smartest person alive and everybody is wrong accept for me" kind of way. Ya know, exactly like Joyous, whom literally nobody likes. She get bashed over on the other blog too. It's actually quite astounding how many speak out against her on the blogs but not to her face. Oh wait, it's because she sucks and nobody wants to engage with her.
I'm sorry these vaccines aren't working out the way you had hoped they would. I'm vaccinated and up to date on my shots but current mitigation measures aren't working and I absolutely will not be participating in a lifetime of multi-boosters every year. Not happening. You do you.
Girl, you say you work "in virology" (are you a virologist, or just some kind of lab asisstant to an actual virologist?) and don't even know that the plural of virus is viruses, not virus's. And "severability"? We're not talking legislation here, so I think you meant severity.
DeleteI'm not PP, I don't have a dog in this fight, but if you're going to engage in debate, at least try not to look like you're lying about your "credentials", not to mention looking ignorant and uneducated.
LMAO "Im not PP"...yet you have the same tone and grammar as PP. Ain't that somethin. Also you quoted a USA Today article above that was fact checked to be wrong, but again you do you. Sorry your precious vaccines suck and that a huge number of "wokies" are starting to wake up.
DeleteI love how bent out of shape everybody gets about misspelling words. Did any of you ever consider that 1. auto text is a real and very stupid thing and 2. Not everybody who speaks English speaks it as a first language.
ReplyDeleteYou two are bickering about something completely moronic. Seems like PP above is throwing a temper tantrum because somebody called her out for citing a false article and having an attitude. Let this shit go already. Damn.
Viruses absolutely mutate to become both weaker or stronger. It boils down to whether or not it is an RNA or DNA type virus. PP, the "virologist" was not incorrect about that. Ebola is an entirely different type of virus than Covid is so of course they would NOT mutate in the same fashion and it's absurd to compare the two like toddler Mcgee is doing above. And by the way when you quote a news article and pretend that you came up with it on your own, at least read the fucking article first. The journalist who wrote it, listed out several sources that included the CDC and many of the worlds most renowned doctors, epidemiologists and virologists all of whom said the majority of viruses mutate to become weaker, yet the journalist took it into their own hands to determine this wasn't factual. Yes, because an actual journalist with no medical background knows more than the worlds leading medical experts. USA Today also doesn't have actual bipartisan fact checkers, they have admitted in the past their fact checking is purely opinion by their own journalists.
Even ESL speakers should know how to spell viruses if they’re a damn virologist lmaooo.
ReplyDeletePP who seconded that definitely wasn’t me, she just noticed the same error, nothing more.
Anywho I won’t be back, just wanted to come drop a tiny bit of fact into the vast amounts of stupidity going on around here. This blog has become solely dedicated to one person spouting nonsense about a vaccine and it sucks these days.
Final thing: Joyous is mostly only mentioned on the other blog when YOU come over and copy/paste your lame repetitive little comments there. Sooo please do us all a favor and stop that, we have other things to talk about, mkay?
So all ESL people are the same? I've never posted on the other blog and just took a browse over there out of curiosity and nothing has been cp'd so not sure what you are getting at there.
DeleteMore than one poster has posted above. You do know many of us have our own private chat groups right where we share shit like that right?
All of this is totally irrelevant anyways as it's apparent you are either joyous trying to save save or be a white knight or you have a serious hardon for her and refuse to accept that she isnt always right.
Furthermore nothing on this blog in terms of covid or the vaccines is in accurate. It might not be info you are comfortable hearing but I have yet to see any "misinformation" here.
Why does pp always make this about joyous? “Loving” joyous, “having a hard on” for joyous…I couldn’t give two shits about the COVID thread and don’t read it so I never even see joyous post. I don’t know who the fuck she is nor do I care. This is about your being repeatedly wrong about shit lol
ReplyDeleteOther blog is now suddenly "censored" and only "invited" people can even look at the blog. This all comes after somebody mentioned they knew who Planes was IRL but had no intentions of doxxing her. Seem's suspicious. Is that blogger secretly Planes?
ReplyDeleteYes! I haven't looked at this one in forever but came here to ask the same thing. I thought it was just me at first. Did blogger block IP's or something? The whole point is to be anon so she woud know who people were if she invited them to particpate in the blog, therefore making it not anon. How weird.
DeleteNah. Other blogger is throwing a tantrum bc someone posted a slur. They deleted the comment and and closed comments. 15 mins later it was gone.
DeleteThe blogger is getting serious side eye from me for a while. That was a huge tantrum. Why not just delete the slur and not draw attention to it? She is losing it. I think she is a troll and one of her alters is one of the woke crowd.
DeleteNot to start a crazy conspiracy theory LOL but did anyone else ever get the sense there were two people writing the blog? Idk like sometimes it seemed like there were small contradictions in attitude towards planes and mango and the others. And now all of a sudden closing the blog or whatever over a single slur like it was probably not the first one they had to delete why get all pissy now, y'know? Idk its weird.
DeleteAnyone see the slur?
I've thought they were multiple people for a while as well. One minute she was telling off an anon who would say they wished "insert poster" would leave BHB and say to the anon "why dont you leave if you dont like it", next blogger was saying "insert poster" should leave bhb. Gave me whiplash.
DeleteI would not be surprised in the least if it came out blogger was mango/planes troll and this was all just a long trolling exercise to rile up the boards and people who post on bhb.
Is anyone creating accounts on the other blog or is it dead?
DeleteYou have to be invited. I think she set the blog to private which is why nobody can see it. At this point, it's too convenient that after somebody mentions figuring out who Planes is in real life (blogger went haywire and deleted the comment that simply said "Planes I know who are but I won't dox you"), and then the slur, I am almost willing to bet blogger is Planes or somebody from the bitch brigade.
DeleteWho was the slur aimed at? I missed it.
I saw it but won't write it. The slur was against asians and mentioned mango.
DeleteIf whoever posted the slur is reading, I hope you're happy. You single-handedly destroyed the one place we had to vent about the fucking woke police which makes you a cunt just like them when they torched Bhb.
I could see planes as the blogger. That's why she was "taking the kids to the park" when the planes mango shit went down. Also planes mentioned moving "soon" a couple of months ago. Now she's all moved in. Never took a break from bbc in that time even tho moving is a time consuming job. So definitely a troll and probably the blogger too. The blogger thinks steg is a perv and steg follows planes around like a little puppy. It's too funny.
ReplyDeletei see some of yall still lack critical thinking skills. nope, im not planes, im not anybody really. ive said before and ill say it here again, i wiped my original bbc account years ago. i got a new one but dont use it to comment anywhere. i hug posts sometimes but thats it.
ReplyDeleteas to why i *temporarily* closed the blog .... my blog gets reported multiple times a day and i know cus the "blogger team" checks out every single report. in the last 30 days theres been 87 reports. ive had emails about the number of reports ffs! slurs, even stupidly *disguised* ones are a great way to get shut down again, plus i dont fuckin like them.
anyhoo, i probably wont reopen the blog unless something big happens cus its just not worth the hassle dealing with the bloggerteam and having to fuckin police the comments.
That johnny depp thread is pissing me off. Mamaduck has been called out before for parroting mens rights activists and "she" left the thread bc her cover was about to be blown. Well "she" found her people in the depp thread. Yup Heard was abusive, and she'll be dealt with, but the hatred for her in the thread, the minimizing of depps joke about raping her and setting her on fire, the calls to stop automatically believing women because of ONE sociopath... am I on bhb or in the manosphere?
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck said to stop believing women? It's always been believe the victim. At the start of that shitshow everyone believed the psychobitch but her own fucking horrific words and actions have shifted opinion. And you talk about minimizing? How about the way you're minimizing the abuse a man suffered because the abuser is female? Or how the iseedeadpeople bitch went in defending the abuser because queer female, as if queer people could not possibly ever be abusive shits.
DeleteOne thing is to support women, but a different thing to ignore their on evidence of the abuse they perpetrate against others just because they're women. Fuck that. An abuser is an abuser is an abuser, no matter what fucking genitals they got or sexual identity they choose.
Anyone notice how now that both blogs are essentially dead there's no gabrelle, boogie, alysse, mango, planes, cinder rampaging through every thread? It's so odd, almost like they did it only to see their names and screen grabs on the blogs.
ReplyDeleteYeah I also noticed how fuckin boring the board is now. Zzzzzzzz
DeleteI’ve always been creeped out every time Shirley pops up in a thread.
ReplyDeleteI love Ruth. She’s not afraid to call out those assholes. I loved when that person who knows cinder called her out for being such a weirdo in high school. Dominating a mommy site. What a joke
ReplyDeleteGootey (not like the other girls!) centering her white woman self and taking up space to complain about being abused by transphobes on BBC is the epitome of "oppressed white woman" with MI who is now binding her breasts and wants to control people's speech by calling her "they/them" when she's not around to hear it. Trying to compare her "struggles" with the racism people face in real life. Bitch is so far outta touch with reality. I have second hand embarrassment for her.
ReplyDeleteShe/they I believe I saw today. Her /their poor husband. I’d leave her/their ass so fast… it was really irritating having to write all that out
ReplyDeleteRuth not afraid to stand up to the bullies and tell it like it is. Unfortunately I think this bully group is here to stay as BBC is captured by woke and won't even remove comments that money made about wanting to end lives in the womb and sterilise white women. Unfortunately there are a lot of white handmaidens who support this type of conversation.
ReplyDeleteOh lovebug, you’re doing that pathetic pick me thing again.
ReplyDeleteItswednesday's outrage cuz Johnny Depp played the indian sidekick is hilarious LOL
ReplyDeleteWho's gonna tell her she's just another white lady and she shouldn't be saying we and us and our?
It's creepy AF how the latinas are practically running to claim the Johnny depp female lawyer. Like bitches calm down, I saw how she cringed when she was called "camilla" by the crazies outside the court house. She don't wanna be any kind of latina. Go back to shaming people for the food they can afford to eat.
ReplyDeleteWhy is thatswhatshesaid123 so salty with the op asking about doing more for her possibly gifted kids? So now noone can talk about our bright kids bc others birthed ret4rds that are still shitting their pants at 6yo and cant talk above grunts and pointing. Cool. We will see how much you still laughing when my kids graduate from college with honors and your kids are still forgetting to ask people if they want fries with that lol
ReplyDeleteLOL True! The only thing I've learned reading that thread is that the US standards for "gifted" are extremely low. In my country kids reading before age 5 is not advanced, it's expected. Americans are really good at equating mediocrity with superiority. Explains a lot.
DeleteCan't believe money hasn't been banned for her white hate comments yet on the abortion thread. Even the ladies at lipstick alley don't have as much hate for whites like she has.
ReplyDeleteI have reported her vios and the mods just delete them and she gets to keep on being a raging cunt. If it was anyone else she would be banned already but bbc probably don't want to deal with the drama if they do ban her. And she has probably also threatened to make a huge fuss if the mods ban her.
DeleteAll the hate she feels will consume her one day. I just hope she doesn't hurt anyone else when it does.
Yup I've reported her profile multiple times but the bitch is untouchable. Wouldn't surprise me if she is an account of someone's at BBC and is purely there to disrupt and generate clicks. She never comments on normal threads or support threads.
ReplyDeleteIs there anywhere good to snark anymore? This place is abandoned and the other blog has gone private and BHB has been rife with ba to tackle
ReplyDeleteThe positive for covid thread is a good chuckle. Weren't those bitches going batshit at anyone who questioned the efficacy of the jab bc getting jabbed was the only way to stop the spread and minimize symptoms. And now look at them double and triple jabbed and still sick as a dog lmao.
ReplyDeleteI hope someone still reads here bc that camelhoe bitch has always been a mess. Her youngest or next to youngest son (he's about 10-12 now) has struggled with anxiety and other things and camelhoe has posted about it making all about herself and how it affects *her* and how her life is so hard bc of the poor kid's struggles.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm almost 100% the kid has asd or spd and she fed him camel milk as a tReAtMeNt.
Annnddd, the reason she refuses to let the Ca place go is bc she's a borderline off-the-gridder.
The other blog is open again!!