Sunday, November 21, 2021

Go, my children! Go forth and spam this link far and wide!


  1. Ruth loves outing people publically, she would do so like a hero if she could. Just baiting the troll, most likely.

  2. I have generally considered myself to be a hardcore Democrat over my adult life, but even I don't have an answer for any of Biden's shenanigans. All I can say is it's making me think twice about my political beliefs. Most everybody I know in real is a Democrat and doesn't approve of anything that Biden or Harris is doing, and judging by recent polls it seems most of Liberal America agrees that they are doing a horrific job as their approval ratings are dropping faster than one can blink. Of course BHB is not real life though and most there are likely Biden and Harris worshippers who will continuously make excuses for their errors while failing to acknowledge how horrendous this presidency is. So don't base whatever BHB says about Biden and Harris on "real life" because BHB is as fake and stupid as it gets. Lack of critical thinking has cost our country big time.

  3. Also Liberal here. I don't support Biden or Harris at this point. Much like PP said, everybody in real life that I know thinks they are both a disgrace, meanwhile good ol' BHB makes all the excuses or just stays completely silent. Biden and Harris are both garbage and I freely admit that I ashamed I voted for them.


 Hey bichirs it’s me again I’m coming clean and admitting that it was I doing all the trolling, dozing, griefing, and spamming over the last...