FUCKING STOP WITH THE VACCINE SHIT ALREADY BHB! I'm vaccinated, my kids are vaccinated, everybody I know is vaccinated, but we don't cut people off for choosing to wait a little longer to vaccinate themselves or their kids, we don't shame them or make them feel bad about their choices. I know many people who are genuinly concerned about heart related issues from these vaccines. I also know somebody whose child has vaccine induced myocarditis and I wouldn't push that shit on anybody based on the horror I am watching that family go through. You aren't a hero by any means for getting vaccinated. You don't deserve a gold medal and you aren't special. The unvaccinated are not walking disease factories. CDC has already made it clear that the vaccinated have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, and the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting it or transmitting it. If somebody is unvaccinated and faces consequences from be unvaccinated then so be it. Stop acting like you are all heros and stop talking about your damn vaccine status. My family and I chose to get vaccinated knowing there were risks, yet we don't discuss it with others, and nobody we know goes around discussing it the way BHB does. If some odd years down the road the vaccinated start to suffer problems, then again, so fucking be it. We all took that risk by being vaccinated and I won't expect anybody to hold my hand if that happens. SO JUST FUCKING STOP ALREADY! You are all obsessed over these damn vaccines, it's ridiculous.
This right here. All of it. Myself and my entire family and friend circle that is eligible to be vaxxed is vaxxed. Nobody in real life is as obsessed with these vaccines the way BHB is. It needs to stop. It's getting old as shit and your paranoia is getting intense.
Yup. I stopped coming around to BHB a few weeks ago because I can't handle the whole I'm vaccinated now bow down to me attitude happening there. Like, awesome, you're vaccinated, nobody has any fucks to give. Do you also walk around telling everybody your childhood vaccination status as well? No, you don't.
I wouldn't trust the CDC on anything. Back in 2004 high levels of lead were found in tap water in Washington. The CDC took blood samples from children living in the affected areas. They also asked residents to collect water samples.
The CDC later concluded that there weren't high levels of lead in the water after all.
A few years later there was a request for the CDC to provide their results of the blood and water tests. After dragging their feet, the CDC admitted that the blood samples had been "lost" without being tested, and the water did not contain high levels of lead.
After some investigation, it was discovered that the CDC gave Washington residents completely wrong instructions on how to collect water samples, such as letting the cold tap run for 10 minutes before collecting a sample, and to never collect from the hot water tap.
I don't trust the CDC to be honest and forthcoming with the COVID-19 vaccine possibility and severity of side effects. They've shown that they're not above lying to protect themselves and further their own agenda.
This is terrible, I never knew about this! I guarantee BHB would tell you this was "misinformation". How dare anybody go seek out actual facts! We live in a clown world and BHB is the president.
Here is a transcript of the program, but if you're in the US you can watch online.
It is pretty horrific. Of all the residents affected, only 5 children recieved some form of financial compensation.
The government did such a good job covering the whole thing up that by the time it was uncovered, the statute of limitations had run out and no charges could be brought. The people responsible for the poisoning of Washington residents, especially children, were promoted, while the whistleblowers were fired.
How horrific! This is seriously horrifying. I have a friend whose son has vaccine induced myocarditis. It was amazing to see the flip in them. They were the kind who were pushing these vaccines on everybody, cutting off friends and family, proclaiming how safe it was, etc, and now they are dealing with a horror story, a child whose life just got cut in half (more than half). It's just awful. I don't understand the deep need to push this crap on anybody.
It kills me how brazen BHB is being over the heart concerns. Anything heart related is not a joke, and not an area to just casually be like "meh, it's no big deal". But then again Joyousspirit feeds into the "not a big deal" narrative because FUGLY bitch pretends to be an epidemiologist when in fact her actual job is nothing of the sorts. By the way Joyous, next time you post a selfie make you delete the meta data from you pictures. It was far too easy for me to find out who are you....and what you do for a living.
OHH OHH I WANT TO KNOWW!!! I hate that this is anon. But seriously why does anybody believe she is an epidemiologist? I knew she was fibbing from the get go. She seems like the type of person who feels unimportant in life so she takes the internet to feel better and to gain of sense that she is better than others, which is just sad.
How was I a creepy fucker for finding out info on somebody, when the "mean girls" of bhb do this regularly? And they keep years worth of screenshots and other shit? I've seen much worse doxing happen on BHB. I have no intentions of doxing the woman or even sharing what I know about her. I simply looked "into" her because I don't trust her "medical expertise". Many others around here have been pointing out over the past few months that something isn't right with her medical knowledge and I noticed it too. So like I said, I am not going to doxx her or share any of her info. I am not some creepy physcopath. Meta data is like the easiest thing to obtain from photos and you don't need to be a genius to see the meta data on any photo anywhere on the web. Most people are smart enough to know to delete it before sharing personal pictures. While joyous looks the same in real life as she does in the photos she has shared, she is indeed spreading medical misinformation as she is not an epidemiologist or any other high ranking medical professional and I do intend to report her comments as such to BHB. It's disgusting that she prances around acting like a medical know it all pretending to have a degree and job in an area where in actuality she has no expertise.
By the way many others were using meta data to figure out Lauries identity and she was doxxed much worse. All I plan on doing is calling Joyous out for being a liar and reporting her posts. There is nothing creepy about that.
After all of the drama months ago people were posting info about Lauries life. BHB had discovered all sorts of things about her including all of her social media accounts, info on her lady husband, her address, phone number. Of all the years I have been on BHB I have seen some fucked up doxxing happen. I've seen many a users real identities be discovered, people have even called the cops and CPS on other users before. It's not like it's uncommon for anybody to get doxxed over there.
No one doxxed laurie lol she left bc she was called out for being a racist bully. If she had been doxxed she would of wiped her account.
I think she's still around, lurking. In a few months she'll post again how she's been "reflecting" on her past behavior, will offer sInCeRe aPoLoGiEs and will slowly work her way up the cunt totem pole. And the current squad will accept her bc they need "allies"=loudmouths and laurie is fucking loud lol
When people are saying "doxxed" they don't mean BHB is giving out somebody's full name, etc. But there was a TON of info provided about here that a lot were not aware about. I remember the threads and conversations on it. There was things I learned about her that I wasn't even aware having been on BHB for many years. All of these conversations about her and her life happened directly after she left. Doxxing is probably not the right word but that's what we are referring to here when we are saying she was doxxed.
Definitely report her. I'm not on BHB anymore otherwise I would do it in a heartbeat. And for those of who you believe there is no way she is lying about her profession....she doesn't even understand what 500% more transmissible means. Other non medical people got it correct immediately but she tried to comment with a "no that's not right" and then "oops silly me, need more coffee". If you actually pay attention to what she writes, this was not just a one time error. She makes mistakes like this frequently but none of you ever notice. You guys really really really need to be more cautious of the people you trust. I can't stress that enough.
"Meta data is like the easiest thing to obtain from photos and you don't need to be a genius to see the meta data on any photo anywhere on the web."
Wait what?!? Could someone find me if I post on the meme thread? Bc I post there regularly, memes I store in my computer. I don't have a vpn or use incognito mode. Could someone dox me that way?
Technically yes, but it's also easy to delete it. I had no idea meta data was even a thing until somebody pointed it out a few months ago when people were doxxing Laurie and her life. The ONLY reason I looked at joyous's was because I, like many others around here, think she is full of shit. I didn't want to accuse her of lying if she wasn't, but as it turns out she is. I have zero intentions of doing anything other than reporting her to BHB for spreading misinformation and thats that. I would be careful posting anything, including memes, because like it or not the women on BHB can be crazy....for gods sakes they keep years worth of screenshots! And aside from that random internet people who simply lurk on BHB can also get your meta data from pictures too. Just be careful.
I'm not the one who posted above but I do work in IT. There's way's around it. You can get EXIF data even after it's been removed. It doesn't take a computer genius, just requires the right program. Idiots on BHB have been "doxxing" people forever, it's what they do.
PP is right, there are ways to get EXIF data even if it's been deleted. I am certainly no computer whiz but I do know it's possible. Either way, it's not hard to figure out who many of you are anyways. All it takes is some google skills. Aside from that, enough people around here have mentioned their distrust in Joyous over the past year, coupled with the fact that she can't provide accurate mathematical analysis's, and really doesn't seem to know much about anything medically should be enough to tell you she's bologna. All she does is copy and paste whatever CDC/FDA/Whoever says and pretends to be in the know about it. Months ago before CDC awknowledged the myocarditis info and that salty person tried to bring it up, Joyous originally proclaimed that vaccine induced myocarditis wasn't a thing and then a week later CDC admits it's a thing, so joyous changes her mind and also says it's a thing but that it's super mild and that everybody can live a long happy life with, when the actual statistics of myocarditis and GRAVE. She doesn't know shit.
Also for all of you idiots on the covid thread who keep saying "they need temp checks and rapid test before flight boarding". ALL international flights all over the world require this. I travel internationally all over the globe for work and have this entire pandemic. Every single country I have entered into requires a negative covid test and temp check. The problem is that you take the test 72 hours before departure which means those 3 days after testing but before the flight are enough time to catch covid. A lot of countries are now changing this to 24 hours prior to departure. And ugh just so we are clear here, this new variant has so far only been discovered in the vaccinated.
Reasons why it's obvious Joyous is not an epidemiologist:
1. She would know that mRNA vaccines have never successfully made it past animal trials and these trials were SKIPPED in the testing of both Pfizer and Moderna. 2. She would know the EXACT amount of boosters it took for the previous mRNA animal trials to be halted. She would know those trials were halted after 6 booster shots due to the utterly heinous side effects and more importantly amount of animals that died after 6 boosters of mRNA vaccines. 3. She would know what a leaky vaccine is and the dangers of said leaky vaccines. 4. She would know what Marak's disease is and the dangers of said disease. She would know how Merak's plays an important role in leaky vaccines and how this disease was created from mRNA vaccines, that again have never once made it past animal trials due to horrific outcomes. 5. She would know that Scott Gallieb is both the head of Pfizer and the FDA...yeah nothing to see here. 6.She would know that Moderna has never brought a successful drug to the market and has been turned down by the FDA many times prior due to the dangerous side effects of said drugs. 7. She would know that Pfizer and JJ both have a history of bribing FDA officals and Doctors just to get their products to market all for the sake of making billions off of harmful products. 8. She would know that the new SA variant has only been detected in fully vaccinated individuals at this point. The SA covid task force and government officals have even made this known. 9. She would know that leaky vaccines are deadly and in the case of leaky vaccines it is the VACCINATED who drive and create the variants, thus creating vaccine resistant variants and not the unvaccinated. This is among one of the first items med school students learn. 10. Two days ago she told a woman on BHB that it was a lie that FDA officals were quitting over the boosters and vaccine mandates. This is inaccurate as it was ON THE NEWS. And not only was it on the news the FDA released a statement on it as well. So again JOYOUS YOU DON"T KNOW SHIT. "The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) top two vaccine officials are resigning from the agency, a top leader within the agency told staff in a letter Tuesday. Marion Gruber, director of the Office of Vaccines Research & Review (OVRR), and Phil Krause, OVRR deputy director, will leave the FDA at the end of October and in November, respectively." 11. She is either entirely full of shit and only has access to the same data you have but is pretending to be in the know so she can feel important, OR she knows the above but has an agenda and is playing you all for fools.
If you want to continue trusting her, go right ahead. But don't say nobody told you so.
Preach it louder for the idiots in the back! I can't believe nobody called her out on the FDA comment the other day. You can literally go to the google and type in "FDA officals resign" and every god damn article that comes up says the top two vaccine officials are resigning over mandates. But according to Joyous it's all a lie, even though it's been fact checked to be TRUE!
BHB has always been played for a fool. And they fall for it every stinking time. Nobody there ever learns.
From the American heart Association "We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination."
BHB getting played like a fool? Come on, that has NEVER happened before! They really do never learn. It's pretty astounding how so many of them trust and blindly follow whatever they are told.
I remember that FDA comment! I was thinking it had been public news about them resigning so I don't understand why she is attempting to say otherwise? What's up with her?
Who knows what's up with her. She didn't even enter the covid convo or proclaim to be an epidemiologist until after scienceteach left the building. I know joyous isn't new to BHB but she looks a lot like what scienceteach's avi looked like, and they both have the "I'm smarter than everybody and know everything" attitude. I knew something was up with her when she couldn't interpret the Pfizer documents and a few other medical studies and just blatantly ignored people who were asking her questions about it out of concern. I seriously believe she is just some bored housewife or maybe she's scienceteach.
Reason #456789034567890 why Joyous is not an epidemiologist, nor does she have proper medical knowledge:
Joyous claims you will test negative for covid if it's not in your nose and throat. Not only does is not take a genius to figure this out but there only like a million peer reviewed studies on this exact topic. Covid always starts in the nose and throat. As it settles into your body it starts making it's way down your nose and throat into the lung area, BUT REMAINS IN YOUR UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT. If one tests negative but others around them are testing positive, that doesn't mean that person is positive because the virus is "hiding somewhere else". By the time everybody gets tested, generally within the first 5ish days, the virus is still very much in your upper respiratory track. It stays there the entire fucking time. Joyous is literally attempting to tell you that if covid has moved into your lungs then you will test negative on a test. Again, millions of peer reviewed studies out there that say otherwise....and ya know general fucking medical knowledge will also tell you otherwise. How many times have seen over this pandemic where one or multiple family members test positive but then others in the immediate family test negative? IT'S NORMAL JOYOUS.
And Bethanysue because you are also an idiot. The CDC, Lord Fauci, Who, the worlds leading virologists, vaccinoligsts, etc have already made it super fucking clear that the vaccines with not provide immunity. If the vaccines were going to provide immunity they would be similar to the MMR vaccines. The Covid vax behaves the same way as the flu vaccines. If you sit around waiting for vaccine immunity to happen you're going to be waiting forever. It wouldn't matter if 100% of the earths population was vaxxed, it would still be circulating, and the most important medical powers that be have that made clear as day.
I'm actually embarrassed to admit...well it's anon here so it's not like it matters but I thought she worked within the medical industry. I saw that comment as well this morning and immediately thought "wtf that isn't how this works". I'm definitely leaning into the camp of she's pretending to be something she isn't.
Lol this Joyous mess is comical at this point. I admit I too never noticed her mistakes but now that I see them I can't unsee them and 110% do not believe she works in the medical industry at all.
WAIT! Did she really say that? Is this on the covid thread? I have like no medical knowledge at all and even I know that the virus stays in the upper respiratory area regardless of where else it travels too. Yikes.
Yes, it's on the covid thread, happened a few hours ago. Whoever is posting the above info about her has made me realize just how many errors Joyous makes in her comments that I never noticed prior, but I see it now.
Serious question though, I'm vaccinated but I don't assume that the unvaccinated are just walking around with covid 24/7. What is the difference between an unvaccinated individual with covid and a vaccinated individual with covid? They both carry the same viral load and are both just as likely to spread it to others. And don't anybody dare argue this point as CDC, Fauci, etc have all made that point clear. So like, I really don't understand why everybody is so fearful of the unvaccinated when the vaccinated are spreading the virus around to other vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals at the same rate...Please somebody help me understand BHB's logic on this because I, I, I just can't with many of you.
Ya know I'd like an answer to that too. We're vaccinated over here but still came down with a breakthrough infection that originated from my husbands workplace. Patient Zero? A vaccinated individual who got it from his vaccinated wife, who got it from her vaccinated coworkers and yah yah yah. My husband's company required all employees to be vaccinated well before Biden created a mandate, and everybody obliged except for two who have legit medical reasons not to be. They are also the only two who didn't test positive during the breakout, only the vaccinated did. I really don't understand why people are so afraid of the unvaccinated but c'est la vie. Are you guys who so terrified of the unvaccinated also afraid of your unvaccinated children or family/friends who can't get the vax due to medical reasons?
As somebody who regularly frequents and participates in the covid thread, I was little thrown back to see somebody call out Joyous as I have generally trusted and respected her knowledge and opinions so Immediately thought who is this loon? But I noticed that Cinaz who only participates anywhere on BHB once in a blue moon was suddenly the first to her rescue? And they have the exact same story? So Cinaz who is literally never around just knew that somebody had called out Joyous? Was she bat signaled or is she actually Joyous too under an alt account? And for what else it's worth, I have spent the past few hours going back through Joyous comments and she does make a lot of errors. Yeah yeah human I know, but if you actually go back through things she has said there is a lot of inconsistences, things she flat out ignores, and some explaining she just can't do? IDK. But whoever you are that posted that stuff, thanks.
If you actually frequented that thread, you’d see cinaz there all the time. Lol@ exact same story, I remember joyous posting back when in grad school too. ::shrug:: Maybe I’m cinaz and joyous too!
Do people think all epidemiologists are geniuses or something? Most don’t have a medical background. Joyous has posted for years about working in public health, sure she’s taken on a mildly annoying ScienceTeach-esque persona but I’m not at all reading her the way y’all are lmao.
Lastly, dearest most recent poster, stop trying to call out “alts” if you’re going to keep being wildly inaccurate with the bizarre claims. It’s making both blogs very annoying to have all the BS to sift thru.
I don't think everybody assumes they are genius's. I think what people are trying to point out is that she tends to go against science and medical facts at time, and or simply just doesn't understand them. Which is all fine and well, nobody expects her to be a genius. But I too am somebody who frequents the covid thread and I have noticed inconsistencies in things she says as well. It's never bothered me enough to say anything but inconsistences/complete disregard for certain data and medical facts is definitely there. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. I can also agree with PP above that BHB is generally far too trusting so just because you think she is genuine doesn't mean she is. It's not like BHB has never been played for a fool by somebody that has been around for years. People come to BHB all the time and have what appear to be normal lives and they document said lives, but then later whether its months or years they get called out. I've seen it plenty in the near almost two decades I've been around.
I don't know. I'm not saying Joyous is a flake, but in all fairness enough people have raised concerns about her, and enough have noticed weird patterns and problems in things she says, that do make her seem less credible.
Yeah there’s definately inconsistencies and errors that’s why I just ignore her haha. I think pp point was agreeing that she doesn’t know everything but that doesn’t make her a troll and she’s definately not Cinaz lolol
Someone is being weird and making odd links I think the first person was also the one who said ItsWednesday was Summer on the other blog. Like….no….hahaha
I don't think she is Cinaz either, but this does beg this question, that if enough of us notice her inconsistencies then why are we not calling her out on it? I mean I know she tends to crack jokes when she's called out/questioned/asked to explain something she doesn't understand but won't admit to not understanding...shouldn't we be calling her out when she's wrong? All of us there are for factual information so when she is spouting non factual information or completely disregarding science and facts, it doesn't make sense to me why so many of us just blindly ignore it.
I will say I don't think she is a troll like others seem to think, but given all of these conversations lately I am feeling more and more certain she doesn't hold whatever degrees she claims to hold.
I don't pay attention to the other blog. What did ItsWednesday do that made somebody think it was Summer? And did OliverHart actually out herself as planes? I noticed Oliver made a comment the other day saying she had a daughter, and I was under the impression Planes only had two boys. Of course she could have had baby in the few months she's been gone, but this daighter is apparently old enough to long hair to braid so I'm thinking no, but wondering now if Oliver did out herself as Planes, did she hide the fact that she had a daughter forever?
AFAIK planes had one boy and one girl. I dunno ages though.
The Wednesday/Summer thing was completely random, out of nowhere and based on nothing. I’m thinking it’s someone trying and failing to “fit in” and looking for connections where none exist. Not sure why they’d want to do that lmao.
And I dunno why no one tells joyous when she’s wrong if they know she is, that’s perplexing to me. I’m not usually on that thread in real time. But I’m not sure I care enough to do it myself for the times I am anyway haha
Planes has 4 kids, 3b 1g, I think. Or maybe 2 of each. Her youngest is around 4, oldest like maybe 8 or 9?
Have you seen her siggy? She's planes, there's no doubt. Polvoron I knew was mango like 2 weeks ago bc a poster told her her sn made her crave polvoron but lamented there were no good filipino bakeries near, and I remembered mango being filipina.
It's really not that hard to figure them out if you pick up little details like that. It's almos like they want people to know it's them but like to play coy.
I agree, plus I’m pretty sure they’ve all announced themselves. Or if any were accidentally revealed or whatever they’re def not trying to hide who they were.
I had a good feeling Oliver was planes when she was going around sad facing every single side dish on the Mexican side dish thread. Like she just wanted people to notice her and ask who she was. Also I seriously had no idea she had 4 kids. Unless I am mixing her up with somebody else I too could have sworn like PP above that she only had boys...or at least she only ever posted pictures of her boys. Hmm.
I rarely post here but I do post on the COVID thread quite often. Joyous, I actually liked you and respected you until your latest comment of "They are talking about me on the blog and it's really gross". Do you think you are above everybody? Is there anybody who hasn't been snarked on here? Do you think you are the new ScienceTeach? Do you believe you are some sort of Mesiah or queen bee of the covid thread?
Girl, EVERYBODY has been snarked on here. EVERYBODY. You are NOT better than anybody else, and if people want to talk shit about you then so be it. Deal with it and get over it just like the rest of us. You DO make errors and DO disregard actual scientific evidence and medical facts, and why in the world we have all been ignoring it is beyond me, but own it sister. Get off your high horse before the majority realizes you are turning into another ScienceTeach and then nobody will want to tolerate you anymore.
For pp's above who want to know why nobody calls her out, I couldn't figure it out and was a little perplexed about it, but then it dawned on me. PP above is correct that when others have attempted to correct her she immediately try's to joke about the topic at hand and starts making snide comments about she "must be stupid" and blah blah blah. This is why nobody stands up to her when she is spouting misinformation because she doesn't take it seriously. Instead of attempting to engage in meaningful comversation about why she is or isn't wrong, instead she makes jokes and attempts to be snark queen when she could just fess up that's she wrong.
Yeah, I saw that comment last night too and immediately rolled my eyes.
And I think you are right that nobody calls her out when wrong because of how she acts. Aside from pokerfaced, I've seen a few others over the pandemic call her out and she instantly starts poking fun and insinuating that it isn't possible for her to be wrong. IDK but Joyous since you are here reading, maybe stop acting like scienceteach before everybody gets sick of you?
So let me get this straight. It's ok for joyous to come here and snark on others herself but it's not ok for anybody to snark on her? I guess she does think she is above us all.
Ehh, I'm white and from SA. My family has been here for as long as whites have been around. Yes, we are not "native" to SA, but I get what PP above is saying, and I'm not sure she meant native in the way you think she did. Bethanysue seems to believe that all of Africa is dreadfully poor, full of nothing but desert, etc. Meanwhile we have a solid mix of rich and poor and plenty of bustling cities. I wont snark on anybody here but what she said was insensitive.
Why is anybody surprised about Joyous? I certainly don't think she is a troll but I do think she is a snarky ass bitch. She can't handle criticism, immediately came rushing in to replace Scieneteach when she left and now acts just like her, has a deep desire to be the queen bee know it all, and then as PP pointed out she has no problem coming here to snark on others but god forbid you do it to her, the audacity!
I like how Alysee was cool with Julies Christmas thread and even participated in it by showing her ugly new ornaments. But typical as soon as they bitch brigade makes their presence known she's all "but this is racism". Insert mega eye roll.
Off topic question here. I realize I could just post this on the covid thread but bitch's running around screaming racism every 5 seconds so nah. But for those of you who have done the Binax test, do they go all the way up your nose? I live overseas, but we are moving back to the states in January and due to the clusterfuck of the country we are in right now I just considering ordering some Binax from a local supplier and using them before our trip, but I'm not sure if I trust myself enough to put a stick that far up my nose. So tell me exactly how these work.
I just find it funny as fuck that they all read the blogs. Lol. Also, whenever the topic of the blogs comes up, stego immediately chimes in with how awful it is, don't read it etc which just makes people want to see what it says. She out of everyone should not be directing traffic here after she was outted as a predator. Maybe she has a humiliation fetish.
Lol. It looks like she left, or at least is taking a "break" from BHB. Bitch got her feelers hurt because all of us mean girls called her out and snark on her...on a snark blog. The audacity! It kills me that people think she is the holy grail of all epidemiologists, but if they actually bothered to fact check 99% of the crap she says, they might see otherwise!
She actually just posted today for the first time in a few days. Albeit she claims that she is too afraid to post because of the person who called her out? Like what is there to be afraid of? If she is truly an epi and is confident in what she says then why so scared to post? Oh wait I know the answer to that...
I thought the same thing when I saw her comment on the Covid thread. We know you are here reading Joyous, so I'll say it here instead of bringing drama to the thread. If you truly are what you say you are then you shouldn't be afraid to post. But with that in mind, please stop trying to be the resident know it all. You have a deep need to be right all the time and it's obnoxious, and more so, you aren't right all the time, but instead of being willing to learn from those who are correct, you make jokes and poke fun of the situation. Stop doing this.
Ya know, when one hasn't done anything wrong there is nothing to be afraid of, there is no guilty consciousness, etc but when one has lied and been dishonest about their intentions they are almost always the ones who are "afraid" and on edge. Joyous knows she has done something wrong which is why the latest person to call her out has gotten under her skin. She's not confident enough in what she posts anymore because too many of us have noticed the errors and blatant disregard for medical data.
I also think it's amusing that she has this uber important job but somehow can find all the time in the world to be on BHB. I work from home in the most unimportant job ever, and even I don't have time to be online 24/7.
Dang some of y’all really have a hard on for Joyous, lmao. Who has the mental energy to care this much for this long?
“I also think it’s amusing that she has this uber important job”
—> so umm your average public health epidemiologist really doesn’t have that important of a job, lmao. No offense to those who have it. She probably does some research, analyzes and writes some stuff, it’s not this highly coveted or important position y’all are making it out to be, she’s not discovering any scientific breakthroughs. There are doctors and lawyers on the board with the same education level and much more important duties imho.
FUCKING STOP WITH THE VACCINE SHIT ALREADY BHB! I'm vaccinated, my kids are vaccinated, everybody I know is vaccinated, but we don't cut people off for choosing to wait a little longer to vaccinate themselves or their kids, we don't shame them or make them feel bad about their choices. I know many people who are genuinly concerned about heart related issues from these vaccines. I also know somebody whose child has vaccine induced myocarditis and I wouldn't push that shit on anybody based on the horror I am watching that family go through. You aren't a hero by any means for getting vaccinated. You don't deserve a gold medal and you aren't special. The unvaccinated are not walking disease factories. CDC has already made it clear that the vaccinated have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, and the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting it or transmitting it. If somebody is unvaccinated and faces consequences from be unvaccinated then so be it. Stop acting like you are all heros and stop talking about your damn vaccine status. My family and I chose to get vaccinated knowing there were risks, yet we don't discuss it with others, and nobody we know goes around discussing it the way BHB does. If some odd years down the road the vaccinated start to suffer problems, then again, so fucking be it. We all took that risk by being vaccinated and I won't expect anybody to hold my hand if that happens. SO JUST FUCKING STOP ALREADY! You are all obsessed over these damn vaccines, it's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThis right here. All of it. Myself and my entire family and friend circle that is eligible to be vaxxed is vaxxed. Nobody in real life is as obsessed with these vaccines the way BHB is. It needs to stop. It's getting old as shit and your paranoia is getting intense.
DeleteYup. I stopped coming around to BHB a few weeks ago because I can't handle the whole I'm vaccinated now bow down to me attitude happening there. Like, awesome, you're vaccinated, nobody has any fucks to give. Do you also walk around telling everybody your childhood vaccination status as well? No, you don't.
DeleteI wouldn't trust the CDC on anything. Back in 2004 high levels of lead were found in tap water in Washington. The CDC took blood samples from children living in the affected areas. They also asked residents to collect water samples.
ReplyDeleteThe CDC later concluded that there weren't high levels of lead in the water after all.
A few years later there was a request for the CDC to provide their results of the blood and water tests. After dragging their feet, the CDC admitted that the blood samples had been "lost" without being tested, and the water did not contain high levels of lead.
After some investigation, it was discovered that the CDC gave Washington residents completely wrong instructions on how to collect water samples, such as letting the cold tap run for 10 minutes before collecting a sample, and to never collect from the hot water tap.
I don't trust the CDC to be honest and forthcoming with the COVID-19 vaccine possibility and severity of side effects. They've shown that they're not above lying to protect themselves and further their own agenda.
This is terrible, I never knew about this! I guarantee BHB would tell you this was "misinformation". How dare anybody go seek out actual facts! We live in a clown world and BHB is the president.
DeleteThey can cry misinformation all they want. It was covered in an episode of Frontline. Let me see if I can find a link.
ReplyDeleteHere is a transcript of the program, but if you're in the US you can watch online.
It is pretty horrific. Of all the residents affected, only 5 children recieved some form of financial compensation.
The government did such a good job covering the whole thing up that by the time it was uncovered, the statute of limitations had run out and no charges could be brought. The people responsible for the poisoning of Washington residents, especially children, were promoted, while the whistleblowers were fired.
How horrific! This is seriously horrifying. I have a friend whose son has vaccine induced myocarditis. It was amazing to see the flip in them. They were the kind who were pushing these vaccines on everybody, cutting off friends and family, proclaiming how safe it was, etc, and now they are dealing with a horror story, a child whose life just got cut in half (more than half). It's just awful. I don't understand the deep need to push this crap on anybody.
DeleteIt kills me how brazen BHB is being over the heart concerns. Anything heart related is not a joke, and not an area to just casually be like "meh, it's no big deal". But then again Joyousspirit feeds into the "not a big deal" narrative because FUGLY bitch pretends to be an epidemiologist when in fact her actual job is nothing of the sorts. By the way Joyous, next time you post a selfie make you delete the meta data from you pictures. It was far too easy for me to find out who are you....and what you do for a living.
ReplyDeleteOHH OHH I WANT TO KNOWW!!! I hate that this is anon. But seriously why does anybody believe she is an epidemiologist? I knew she was fibbing from the get go. She seems like the type of person who feels unimportant in life so she takes the internet to feel better and to gain of sense that she is better than others, which is just sad.
DeleteHow was I a creepy fucker for finding out info on somebody, when the "mean girls" of bhb do this regularly? And they keep years worth of screenshots and other shit? I've seen much worse doxing happen on BHB. I have no intentions of doxing the woman or even sharing what I know about her. I simply looked "into" her because I don't trust her "medical expertise". Many others around here have been pointing out over the past few months that something isn't right with her medical knowledge and I noticed it too. So like I said, I am not going to doxx her or share any of her info. I am not some creepy physcopath. Meta data is like the easiest thing to obtain from photos and you don't need to be a genius to see the meta data on any photo anywhere on the web. Most people are smart enough to know to delete it before sharing personal pictures. While joyous looks the same in real life as she does in the photos she has shared, she is indeed spreading medical misinformation as she is not an epidemiologist or any other high ranking medical professional and I do intend to report her comments as such to BHB. It's disgusting that she prances around acting like a medical know it all pretending to have a degree and job in an area where in actuality she has no expertise.
DeleteBy the way many others were using meta data to figure out Lauries identity and she was doxxed much worse. All I plan on doing is calling Joyous out for being a liar and reporting her posts. There is nothing creepy about that.
DeleteI need to know more about this laurie doxxing??
DeleteAre we sure she's not just saying that to gain sympathy for being a righteous twat
After all of the drama months ago people were posting info about Lauries life. BHB had discovered all sorts of things about her including all of her social media accounts, info on her lady husband, her address, phone number. Of all the years I have been on BHB I have seen some fucked up doxxing happen. I've seen many a users real identities be discovered, people have even called the cops and CPS on other users before. It's not like it's uncommon for anybody to get doxxed over there.
DeleteNo one doxxed laurie lol she left bc she was called out for being a racist bully. If she had been doxxed she would of wiped her account.
DeleteI think she's still around, lurking. In a few months she'll post again how she's been "reflecting" on her past behavior, will offer sInCeRe aPoLoGiEs and will slowly work her way up the cunt totem pole. And the current squad will accept her bc they need "allies"=loudmouths and laurie is fucking loud lol
When people are saying "doxxed" they don't mean BHB is giving out somebody's full name, etc. But there was a TON of info provided about here that a lot were not aware about. I remember the threads and conversations on it. There was things I learned about her that I wasn't even aware having been on BHB for many years. All of these conversations about her and her life happened directly after she left. Doxxing is probably not the right word but that's what we are referring to here when we are saying she was doxxed.
DeleteBut this is shit she put put there on her own so not really doxxing then
DeleteAnd these convos were on bhb? Or a private chat?
Definitely report her. I'm not on BHB anymore otherwise I would do it in a heartbeat. And for those of who you believe there is no way she is lying about her profession....she doesn't even understand what 500% more transmissible means. Other non medical people got it correct immediately but she tried to comment with a "no that's not right" and then "oops silly me, need more coffee". If you actually pay attention to what she writes, this was not just a one time error. She makes mistakes like this frequently but none of you ever notice. You guys really really really need to be more cautious of the people you trust. I can't stress that enough.
ReplyDelete"Meta data is like the easiest thing to obtain from photos and you don't need to be a genius to see the meta data on any photo anywhere on the web."
ReplyDeleteWait what?!? Could someone find me if I post on the meme thread? Bc I post there regularly, memes I store in my computer. I don't have a vpn or use incognito mode. Could someone dox me that way?
Technically yes, but it's also easy to delete it. I had no idea meta data was even a thing until somebody pointed it out a few months ago when people were doxxing Laurie and her life. The ONLY reason I looked at joyous's was because I, like many others around here, think she is full of shit. I didn't want to accuse her of lying if she wasn't, but as it turns out she is. I have zero intentions of doing anything other than reporting her to BHB for spreading misinformation and thats that. I would be careful posting anything, including memes, because like it or not the women on BHB can be crazy....for gods sakes they keep years worth of screenshots! And aside from that random internet people who simply lurk on BHB can also get your meta data from pictures too. Just be careful.
DeleteBabycenter's image uploader strips the exif data from images posted. They do that so people can't dox through meta data and have done so for years
DeleteI'm not the one who posted above but I do work in IT. There's way's around it. You can get EXIF data even after it's been removed. It doesn't take a computer genius, just requires the right program. Idiots on BHB have been "doxxing" people forever, it's what they do.
DeletePP is right, there are ways to get EXIF data even if it's been deleted. I am certainly no computer whiz but I do know it's possible. Either way, it's not hard to figure out who many of you are anyways. All it takes is some google skills. Aside from that, enough people around here have mentioned their distrust in Joyous over the past year, coupled with the fact that she can't provide accurate mathematical analysis's, and really doesn't seem to know much about anything medically should be enough to tell you she's bologna. All she does is copy and paste whatever CDC/FDA/Whoever says and pretends to be in the know about it. Months ago before CDC awknowledged the myocarditis info and that salty person tried to bring it up, Joyous originally proclaimed that vaccine induced myocarditis wasn't a thing and then a week later CDC admits it's a thing, so joyous changes her mind and also says it's a thing but that it's super mild and that everybody can live a long happy life with, when the actual statistics of myocarditis and GRAVE. She doesn't know shit.
DeleteAlso for all of you idiots on the covid thread who keep saying "they need temp checks and rapid test before flight boarding". ALL international flights all over the world require this. I travel internationally all over the globe for work and have this entire pandemic. Every single country I have entered into requires a negative covid test and temp check. The problem is that you take the test 72 hours before departure which means those 3 days after testing but before the flight are enough time to catch covid. A lot of countries are now changing this to 24 hours prior to departure. And ugh just so we are clear here, this new variant has so far only been discovered in the vaccinated.
Reasons why it's obvious Joyous is not an epidemiologist:
ReplyDelete1. She would know that mRNA vaccines have never successfully made it past animal trials and these trials were SKIPPED in the testing of both Pfizer and Moderna.
2. She would know the EXACT amount of boosters it took for the previous mRNA animal trials to be halted. She would know those trials were halted after 6 booster shots due to the utterly heinous side effects and more importantly amount of animals that died after 6 boosters of mRNA vaccines.
3. She would know what a leaky vaccine is and the dangers of said leaky vaccines.
4. She would know what Marak's disease is and the dangers of said disease. She would know how Merak's plays an important role in leaky vaccines and how this disease was created from mRNA vaccines, that again have never once made it past animal trials due to horrific outcomes.
5. She would know that Scott Gallieb is both the head of Pfizer and the FDA...yeah nothing to see here.
6.She would know that Moderna has never brought a successful drug to the market and has been turned down by the FDA many times prior due to the dangerous side effects of said drugs.
7. She would know that Pfizer and JJ both have a history of bribing FDA officals and Doctors just to get their products to market all for the sake of making billions off of harmful products.
8. She would know that the new SA variant has only been detected in fully vaccinated individuals at this point. The SA covid task force and government officals have even made this known.
9. She would know that leaky vaccines are deadly and in the case of leaky vaccines it is the VACCINATED who drive and create the variants, thus creating vaccine resistant variants and not the unvaccinated. This is among one of the first items med school students learn.
10. Two days ago she told a woman on BHB that it was a lie that FDA officals were quitting over the boosters and vaccine mandates. This is inaccurate as it was ON THE NEWS. And not only was it on the news the FDA released a statement on it as well. So again JOYOUS YOU DON"T KNOW SHIT. "The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) top two vaccine officials are resigning from the agency, a top leader within the agency told staff in a letter Tuesday. Marion Gruber, director of the Office of Vaccines Research & Review (OVRR), and Phil Krause, OVRR deputy director, will leave the FDA at the end of October and in November, respectively."
11. She is either entirely full of shit and only has access to the same data you have but is pretending to be in the know so she can feel important, OR she knows the above but has an agenda and is playing you all for fools.
If you want to continue trusting her, go right ahead. But don't say nobody told you so.
Preach it louder for the idiots in the back! I can't believe nobody called her out on the FDA comment the other day. You can literally go to the google and type in "FDA officals resign" and every god damn article that comes up says the top two vaccine officials are resigning over mandates. But according to Joyous it's all a lie, even though it's been fact checked to be TRUE!
DeleteBHB has always been played for a fool. And they fall for it every stinking time. Nobody there ever learns.
Don't forget to add this to your list
From the American heart Association "We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination."
Guarantee Joyous will say "It's not true!"
BHB getting played like a fool? Come on, that has NEVER happened before! They really do never learn. It's pretty astounding how so many of them trust and blindly follow whatever they are told.
DeleteI remember that FDA comment! I was thinking it had been public news about them resigning so I don't understand why she is attempting to say otherwise? What's up with her?
DeleteWho knows what's up with her. She didn't even enter the covid convo or proclaim to be an epidemiologist until after scienceteach left the building. I know joyous isn't new to BHB but she looks a lot like what scienceteach's avi looked like, and they both have the "I'm smarter than everybody and know everything" attitude. I knew something was up with her when she couldn't interpret the Pfizer documents and a few other medical studies and just blatantly ignored people who were asking her questions about it out of concern. I seriously believe she is just some bored housewife or maybe she's scienceteach.
DeleteReason #456789034567890 why Joyous is not an epidemiologist, nor does she have proper medical knowledge:
ReplyDeleteJoyous claims you will test negative for covid if it's not in your nose and throat. Not only does is not take a genius to figure this out but there only like a million peer reviewed studies on this exact topic. Covid always starts in the nose and throat. As it settles into your body it starts making it's way down your nose and throat into the lung area, BUT REMAINS IN YOUR UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT. If one tests negative but others around them are testing positive, that doesn't mean that person is positive because the virus is "hiding somewhere else". By the time everybody gets tested, generally within the first 5ish days, the virus is still very much in your upper respiratory track. It stays there the entire fucking time. Joyous is literally attempting to tell you that if covid has moved into your lungs then you will test negative on a test. Again, millions of peer reviewed studies out there that say otherwise....and ya know general fucking medical knowledge will also tell you otherwise. How many times have seen over this pandemic where one or multiple family members test positive but then others in the immediate family test negative? IT'S NORMAL JOYOUS.
And Bethanysue because you are also an idiot. The CDC, Lord Fauci, Who, the worlds leading virologists, vaccinoligsts, etc have already made it super fucking clear that the vaccines with not provide immunity. If the vaccines were going to provide immunity they would be similar to the MMR vaccines. The Covid vax behaves the same way as the flu vaccines. If you sit around waiting for vaccine immunity to happen you're going to be waiting forever. It wouldn't matter if 100% of the earths population was vaxxed, it would still be circulating, and the most important medical powers that be have that made clear as day.
I'm actually embarrassed to admit...well it's anon here so it's not like it matters but I thought she worked within the medical industry. I saw that comment as well this morning and immediately thought "wtf that isn't how this works". I'm definitely leaning into the camp of she's pretending to be something she isn't.
DeleteLol this Joyous mess is comical at this point. I admit I too never noticed her mistakes but now that I see them I can't unsee them and 110% do not believe she works in the medical industry at all.
DeleteWAIT! Did she really say that? Is this on the covid thread? I have like no medical knowledge at all and even I know that the virus stays in the upper respiratory area regardless of where else it travels too. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's on the covid thread, happened a few hours ago. Whoever is posting the above info about her has made me realize just how many errors Joyous makes in her comments that I never noticed prior, but I see it now.
DeleteSerious question though, I'm vaccinated but I don't assume that the unvaccinated are just walking around with covid 24/7. What is the difference between an unvaccinated individual with covid and a vaccinated individual with covid? They both carry the same viral load and are both just as likely to spread it to others. And don't anybody dare argue this point as CDC, Fauci, etc have all made that point clear. So like, I really don't understand why everybody is so fearful of the unvaccinated when the vaccinated are spreading the virus around to other vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals at the same rate...Please somebody help me understand BHB's logic on this because I, I, I just can't with many of you.
Ya know I'd like an answer to that too. We're vaccinated over here but still came down with a breakthrough infection that originated from my husbands workplace. Patient Zero? A vaccinated individual who got it from his vaccinated wife, who got it from her vaccinated coworkers and yah yah yah. My husband's company required all employees to be vaccinated well before Biden created a mandate, and everybody obliged except for two who have legit medical reasons not to be. They are also the only two who didn't test positive during the breakout, only the vaccinated did. I really don't understand why people are so afraid of the unvaccinated but c'est la vie. Are you guys who so terrified of the unvaccinated also afraid of your unvaccinated children or family/friends who can't get the vax due to medical reasons?
DeleteAs somebody who regularly frequents and participates in the covid thread, I was little thrown back to see somebody call out Joyous as I have generally trusted and respected her knowledge and opinions so Immediately thought who is this loon? But I noticed that Cinaz who only participates anywhere on BHB once in a blue moon was suddenly the first to her rescue? And they have the exact same story? So Cinaz who is literally never around just knew that somebody had called out Joyous? Was she bat signaled or is she actually Joyous too under an alt account? And for what else it's worth, I have spent the past few hours going back through Joyous comments and she does make a lot of errors. Yeah yeah human I know, but if you actually go back through things she has said there is a lot of inconsistences, things she flat out ignores, and some explaining she just can't do? IDK. But whoever you are that posted that stuff, thanks.
ReplyDeleteIf you actually frequented that thread, you’d see cinaz there all the time. Lol@ exact same story, I remember joyous posting back when in grad school too. ::shrug:: Maybe I’m cinaz and joyous too!
DeleteDo people think all epidemiologists are geniuses or something? Most don’t have a medical background. Joyous has posted for years about working in public health, sure she’s taken on a mildly annoying ScienceTeach-esque persona but I’m not at all reading her the way y’all are lmao.
Lastly, dearest most recent poster, stop trying to call out “alts” if you’re going to keep being wildly inaccurate with the bizarre claims. It’s making both blogs very annoying to have all the BS to sift thru.
I don't think everybody assumes they are genius's. I think what people are trying to point out is that she tends to go against science and medical facts at time, and or simply just doesn't understand them. Which is all fine and well, nobody expects her to be a genius. But I too am somebody who frequents the covid thread and I have noticed inconsistencies in things she says as well. It's never bothered me enough to say anything but inconsistences/complete disregard for certain data and medical facts is definitely there. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. I can also agree with PP above that BHB is generally far too trusting so just because you think she is genuine doesn't mean she is. It's not like BHB has never been played for a fool by somebody that has been around for years. People come to BHB all the time and have what appear to be normal lives and they document said lives, but then later whether its months or years they get called out. I've seen it plenty in the near almost two decades I've been around.
DeleteI don't know. I'm not saying Joyous is a flake, but in all fairness enough people have raised concerns about her, and enough have noticed weird patterns and problems in things she says, that do make her seem less credible.
Yeah there’s definately inconsistencies and errors that’s why I just ignore her haha. I think pp point was agreeing that she doesn’t know everything but that doesn’t make her a troll and she’s definately not Cinaz lolol
DeleteSomeone is being weird and making odd links I think the first person was also the one who said ItsWednesday was Summer on the other blog. Like….no….hahaha
I don't think she is Cinaz either, but this does beg this question, that if enough of us notice her inconsistencies then why are we not calling her out on it? I mean I know she tends to crack jokes when she's called out/questioned/asked to explain something she doesn't understand but won't admit to not understanding...shouldn't we be calling her out when she's wrong? All of us there are for factual information so when she is spouting non factual information or completely disregarding science and facts, it doesn't make sense to me why so many of us just blindly ignore it.
DeleteI will say I don't think she is a troll like others seem to think, but given all of these conversations lately I am feeling more and more certain she doesn't hold whatever degrees she claims to hold.
I don't pay attention to the other blog. What did ItsWednesday do that made somebody think it was Summer? And did OliverHart actually out herself as planes? I noticed Oliver made a comment the other day saying she had a daughter, and I was under the impression Planes only had two boys. Of course she could have had baby in the few months she's been gone, but this daighter is apparently old enough to long hair to braid so I'm thinking no, but wondering now if Oliver did out herself as Planes, did she hide the fact that she had a daughter forever?
ItsWednesday is too smart to be summer
DeleteDon't be silly, she'd never jump in those threads
AFAIK planes had one boy and one girl. I dunno ages though.
DeleteThe Wednesday/Summer thing was completely random, out of nowhere and based on nothing. I’m thinking it’s someone trying and failing to “fit in” and looking for connections where none exist. Not sure why they’d want to do that lmao.
And I dunno why no one tells joyous when she’s wrong if they know she is, that’s perplexing to me. I’m not usually on that thread in real time. But I’m not sure I care enough to do it myself for the times I am anyway haha
I've seen poker tell her she was wrong one time I think but I cant remember what thred it was
ReplyDeletePlanes has 4 kids, 3b 1g, I think. Or maybe 2 of each. Her youngest is around 4, oldest like maybe 8 or 9?
ReplyDeleteHave you seen her siggy? She's planes, there's no doubt. Polvoron I knew was mango like 2 weeks ago bc a poster told her her sn made her crave polvoron but lamented there were no good filipino bakeries near, and I remembered mango being filipina.
It's really not that hard to figure them out if you pick up little details like that. It's almos like they want people to know it's them but like to play coy.
Yup, four kids.
DeleteI agree, plus I’m pretty sure they’ve all announced themselves. Or if any were accidentally revealed or whatever they’re def not trying to hide who they were.
I had a good feeling Oliver was planes when she was going around sad facing every single side dish on the Mexican side dish thread. Like she just wanted people to notice her and ask who she was. Also I seriously had no idea she had 4 kids. Unless I am mixing her up with somebody else I too could have sworn like PP above that she only had boys...or at least she only ever posted pictures of her boys. Hmm.
DeleteI rarely post here but I do post on the COVID thread quite often. Joyous, I actually liked you and respected you until your latest comment of "They are talking about me on the blog and it's really gross". Do you think you are above everybody? Is there anybody who hasn't been snarked on here? Do you think you are the new ScienceTeach? Do you believe you are some sort of Mesiah or queen bee of the covid thread?
ReplyDeleteGirl, EVERYBODY has been snarked on here. EVERYBODY. You are NOT better than anybody else, and if people want to talk shit about you then so be it. Deal with it and get over it just like the rest of us. You DO make errors and DO disregard actual scientific evidence and medical facts, and why in the world we have all been ignoring it is beyond me, but own it sister. Get off your high horse before the majority realizes you are turning into another ScienceTeach and then nobody will want to tolerate you anymore.
For pp's above who want to know why nobody calls her out, I couldn't figure it out and was a little perplexed about it, but then it dawned on me. PP above is correct that when others have attempted to correct her she immediately try's to joke about the topic at hand and starts making snide comments about she "must be stupid" and blah blah blah. This is why nobody stands up to her when she is spouting misinformation because she doesn't take it seriously. Instead of attempting to engage in meaningful comversation about why she is or isn't wrong, instead she makes jokes and attempts to be snark queen when she could just fess up that's she wrong.
I have no respect for you anymore. That's all.
Yeah, I saw that comment last night too and immediately rolled my eyes.
DeleteAnd I think you are right that nobody calls her out when wrong because of how she acts. Aside from pokerfaced, I've seen a few others over the pandemic call her out and she instantly starts poking fun and insinuating that it isn't possible for her to be wrong. IDK but Joyous since you are here reading, maybe stop acting like scienceteach before everybody gets sick of you?
So let me get this straight. It's ok for joyous to come here and snark on others herself but it's not ok for anybody to snark on her? I guess she does think she is above us all.
DeleteEhh, I'm white and from SA. My family has been here for as long as whites have been around. Yes, we are not "native" to SA, but I get what PP above is saying, and I'm not sure she meant native in the way you think she did. Bethanysue seems to believe that all of Africa is dreadfully poor, full of nothing but desert, etc. Meanwhile we have a solid mix of rich and poor and plenty of bustling cities. I wont snark on anybody here but what she said was insensitive.
ReplyDeleteWhy is anybody surprised about Joyous? I certainly don't think she is a troll but I do think she is a snarky ass bitch. She can't handle criticism, immediately came rushing in to replace Scieneteach when she left and now acts just like her, has a deep desire to be the queen bee know it all, and then as PP pointed out she has no problem coming here to snark on others but god forbid you do it to her, the audacity!
ReplyDeleteI like how Alysee was cool with Julies Christmas thread and even participated in it by showing her ugly new ornaments. But typical as soon as they bitch brigade makes their presence known she's all "but this is racism". Insert mega eye roll.
ReplyDeleteGuess they got tired of their 'private' groups because they're all over on politics discord now, including Sofa. Sharks smelled blood in the water.
ReplyDeleteOff topic question here. I realize I could just post this on the covid thread but bitch's running around screaming racism every 5 seconds so nah. But for those of you who have done the Binax test, do they go all the way up your nose? I live overseas, but we are moving back to the states in January and due to the clusterfuck of the country we are in right now I just considering ordering some Binax from a local supplier and using them before our trip, but I'm not sure if I trust myself enough to put a stick that far up my nose. So tell me exactly how these work.
ReplyDeleteI just find it funny as fuck that they all read the blogs. Lol.
ReplyDeleteAlso, whenever the topic of the blogs comes up, stego immediately chimes in with how awful it is, don't read it etc which just makes people want to see what it says. She out of everyone should not be directing traffic here after she was outted as a predator. Maybe she has a humiliation fetish.
Lol I called joyous out ages ago and people acted like I punched their mothers.
ReplyDeleteLol. It looks like she left, or at least is taking a "break" from BHB. Bitch got her feelers hurt because all of us mean girls called her out and snark on her...on a snark blog. The audacity! It kills me that people think she is the holy grail of all epidemiologists, but if they actually bothered to fact check 99% of the crap she says, they might see otherwise!
DeleteShe actually just posted today for the first time in a few days. Albeit she claims that she is too afraid to post because of the person who called her out? Like what is there to be afraid of? If she is truly an epi and is confident in what she says then why so scared to post? Oh wait I know the answer to that...
DeleteI thought the same thing when I saw her comment on the Covid thread. We know you are here reading Joyous, so I'll say it here instead of bringing drama to the thread. If you truly are what you say you are then you shouldn't be afraid to post. But with that in mind, please stop trying to be the resident know it all. You have a deep need to be right all the time and it's obnoxious, and more so, you aren't right all the time, but instead of being willing to learn from those who are correct, you make jokes and poke fun of the situation. Stop doing this.
DeleteYa know, when one hasn't done anything wrong there is nothing to be afraid of, there is no guilty consciousness, etc but when one has lied and been dishonest about their intentions they are almost always the ones who are "afraid" and on edge. Joyous knows she has done something wrong which is why the latest person to call her out has gotten under her skin. She's not confident enough in what she posts anymore because too many of us have noticed the errors and blatant disregard for medical data.
ReplyDeleteI also think it's amusing that she has this uber important job but somehow can find all the time in the world to be on BHB. I work from home in the most unimportant job ever, and even I don't have time to be online 24/7.
Dang some of y’all really have a hard on for Joyous, lmao. Who has the mental energy to care this much for this long?
ReplyDelete“I also think it’s amusing that she has this uber important job”
—> so umm your average public health epidemiologist really doesn’t have that important of a job, lmao. No offense to those who have it. She probably does some research, analyzes and writes some stuff, it’s not this highly coveted or important position y’all are making it out to be, she’s not discovering any scientific breakthroughs. There are doctors and lawyers on the board with the same education level and much more important duties imho.
Get over it.