Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Just one tonight

I know we do snarky to downright mean really well here, but a lot of us are here because there's little fun or kindness left on BHB unless you're one of a few members. We've come here because we're voiceless to vent frustration but it's important to remember a lot of people who'd otherwise go to BHB for support have been cast aside too. 

Can we show Anon here that we can use this platform for good too and send good thoughts, coping suggestions, and support? The comment section below is open and completely anonymous. I don't have time for many entries tonight but I felt compelled to post this one. I will check in to make sure no one is being cruel on there.



  1. You matter. You matter to the people around you. You matter to this internet stranger. Sending you internet hugs and love. Prayers if you want them.

  2. Hey Anon OP,

    I'm so sorry you're struggling right now. Intrusive thoughts are rough and I struggle with them too, its rough when they lie and minimize your worth and how much your family and friends need you and love you. I promise that people's lives would not be better without you. If you're around and still looking to talk we can talk here or can do a discord chat or something? <3

    Or maybe one of these websites would be helpful: MyBlackDog DOT co
    My Black Dog is an online support service for people struggling with their mental health. All our volunteers are people who have experienced their own battles with mental health.
    7 Cups connects you to caring listeners for free emotional support · Grow at Your Own Pace · Free 24/7 Chat

    Blog owner is right, therapy can be an amazing tool for intrusive thoughts and DBT in particular has really helped me with my distress management. Hang in there, this too will pass.


      I've also found sensory self soothing kit to be helpful when I'm trying to get out of my head and cut off the intrusive thought loop

  3. Hey anon op, i don't know you but i do know one thing and that's that depression is a bitch ass liar. Everyone wouldn't be better off without you bc you know what, there's only one of you, and that you is an amazing person who was brave enough to reach out, who wants to do better, who obviously loves their family bc otherwise you wouldn't be looking out for them, as in thinking what would be best. But the truth is that's already what's makes you the best for them. I guarantee you no one else is gonna love or take care of them the same way you do.

    Whatever it is that has got you down must be hard, and i can relate to those feelings. It's almost like just wanting to run away or give up. And that's tough, i know. I wish I had more advice but i don't. However each day is a new start, and a chance to move forward. A chance to keep going and you gotta give yourself that chance to try. If not for anyone else at least for yourself.

    I'm here if you wanna talk. I'll listen.

  4. Sending you all the good thoughts, Anon OP. We've never met, but I'm glad you're here.

    I encourage you to talk with another person about your specific situation, but for all the times in-between, try some of these self-care techniques. It's okay (necessary!) to put yourself first and nourish your being.

  5. Sending positive thoughts your way.
    Things that help me are 1. Distractions such as watching a movie or listening to music (keep holding on by Avril Lavigne and One more light by Linkin Park are too often played when I am having intrusive thoughts). 2. I write on my journal. I do a jumbled word spill and just write everything that comes to mind and let my thoughts guide me. 3. Reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you are in the US or have something similar where you are. They are truly amazing and have helped me on countless occasions. You can chat anonymously or call them. Lastly 4. When I have the urge to self harm I grab a marker and draw the lines on my body. Not sure why this works but it keeps me safe.

    We are also here for you, you are not alone in your struggles. Also remind yourself these thoughts are all lies. Suicide has a very difficult impact on those left behind and the aftermath is life altering for them and will be far from better without you. This is coming from someone who struggles with suicidal ideations on the daily and the taught that keeps me grounded. Tonight's sunset is not your last. This is not how your story ends and your story still has a lot of chapters to cover. Please keep holding on.

  6. Intrusive thoughts are hard. Because you *KNOW* you shouldn't do or believe what your brain is telling you, but its so convincing.

    I hope you are getting help, but I also like to pretend my intrusive voices or mean self is someone who is really unlikable or dumb and just yell at my brain.
    Like "You should cut off your hands."
    "Well that was just the fuckin stupidest idea Mr. Cruise, hands are pretty important, but you would know that if you listened to someone other than Xenu."

    Or whatever works for you.

    You are loved. You are important. You are special. And fuck the haters. Unfortunately sometimes we are the haters.

  7. What about users who became depressed after you called them ugly? Insulted their families? You show no heart or sympathy or them, you just laugh. There are many people who are sad or depressed after what they read about themselves here, and none of you care. This one performative display of humanity does not redeem any of you.

    1. Ok laurie ����

    2. Maybe the assholes who were called out on here should've thought of this back when they were bullying/harassing and following around members on bhb. Y'all 'dug your own grave' as you like to say. Also, let's not take the attention away from the real Op who is struggling and reaching out for help. OP, please know that there are many, MANY people that care about and would miss you. Even if it your brain is telling you otherwise. You matter. You are loved.

      Also, hi LaurieBugg, and fuck off. (Not you op, I know you're not her)

    3. Yall fake af and everyone can see it. OP i dont think transphobic racists are the best ones to get advice from, they dont really care about you

    4. Guess they could take Becca’s advice to orly, if your mental health is so fragile that online words make you suicidal or depressed, you need to stay off the internet. How compassionate.

    5. What the person above me said. Funny how they can dish as the hate, but can't take it.

    6. To the PP that said we are transphobic and racist, those words don't have any power here sweetheart. Run along Alysse, this isn't the place for you.

  8. I hear you OP and I can relate. Other PP have said everything I wanted to in a much better way.
    I use escapism when I have thoughts like this. My go to's are books, feel good movies or loud music I love.
    Big hugs if you want them x

  9. I'm sorry that you are struggling, OP. I can't offer great advice but I can assure you that you matter and that your brain is telling you UNTRUE crap. Sometimes you actually can't listen to your heart because your brain is giving it bad info.

    I am here to listen if you need to talk. That goes for anyone else too. I'll even provide my SN if anyone wants actual interaction.

  10. You are loved. You matter. There is no one in the world who would be better off without you. I am so sorry you, and many others, have lost an outlet and support system with what has happened to BHB. Please, talk to your family, friends, or therapist about how you are feeling. There are still supports available to you. PPs have listed very valuable resources. I hope some of them prove to be beneficial to you. I hope you are able to find some peace for your thoughts.

  11. May today bring you more peaceful thoughts. Intrusive thoughts are very upsetting. Talking to someone about those thoughts can help let off the steam:

  12. Talking to the blogger here, you are making a big deal in this post about not being cruel and yet you have been posting some really vile and cruel submissions, as well as adding your own vile and cruel commentary. I don't like Laurie (I mean I REALLY don't like her) but you were out of line with the way you talked about her family. And I'm not singling her out, that's just a recent one I remember. This post is so hypocritical of you.

    I like being able to anonymously vent here but there is a line and you yourself have crossed it so many times. Might be time to reconsider what kind of submissions you allow.

    To the anon: Sorry to barge in like this, I just had to say something to the blogger directly. I hope you get whatever help you need. I don't claim to know how you feel but I can relate to feeling like people are better off without you. It's miserable.

    1. Meh. Laurie brought it on herself. She's a horrible, judgemental bully. Because of the anonimity here, people will take cheap shots. And besides, laurie might not even have read this, she's too high up on her horse to concern with us klassy plebes.

      I'm not the blogger, btw, just felt like responding to your "poor laurie" bull.

    2. It's not about "poor laurie" it's about not stooping to that level, IMO. Whatever Laurie has done (and as I said I'm definitely NO fan of hers) doesn't justify taking cheap shots at her children and her spouse. Talk about her all you want, but it's not okay to bring them into it.

    3. I personally haven't seen anything said about her kids, but I'm newish to this blog, so I could be wrong. However I have seen her say some pretty messed up shit to poster on bhb about their kids and they're raising them wrong. Basically it's thst bitch's way or you're a pos, monster raising parent. So, I don't really have any fucks to give about her feelings. ��‍♀️

    4. I’m not new and I’ve never seen anything about her kids either (other than jokes about her ignoring them being on bbc all the time). Nor her spouse for that matter.

      Like I know of the thing in the old hole where someone typoed something that seemed derogatory when trying to refer to Laurie’s “chick or husband” meaning her gf and spouse. If the typo was actually on purpose yeah it’s shitty but didn’t seem like it to me, and that was someone else anyway. What else is there?

      And what shots have been taken at kids, hers or anyone else’s? I’d be happy to eat my words if I’m wrong.

      Someone got BHB all riled up when they said how horrible the blog is since it even goes after people’s children, which people were rightfully mad to hear. But I have literally never seen it.

  13. Hi OP. Please know you have people wishing you only the best. Sometimes our brains do weird things. The great thing is that you recognise the intrusive thoughts for what they are and seeking help. Please reach out to friends, family and also professionals to help guide you through this. This internet stranger wishes you all the best :-)

  14. Hey OP, I've been thinking of you since this post and I just want you to know that we still care.

  15. Oh god here goes AOLZ again...

    Yes AOLZ it's such a tragedy that your MIL bought supplies and food for your house. And the fact that you are upset that she ate some of your food? Do you demand that all of your guests purchase their own food? What a rude host you must be...
    Your kid isn't going to be confused about grandma calling her guest room "her home" for a few days. Your precious snowflake will also be fine with a few extra toys, that's what grandma's are for.

    AOLZ just get off this planet. I am not surprised in the slightest that not a single person on the internet or real life likes you. You fucking suck in every way shape and form.

  16. It's too bad the blogger got caught up in her feelz and isn't posting anymore. Also hope everyone who had a hand in burning BHB to the ground is proud of themselves. It's a fucking barren wasteland instead of the fun place it used to be. Really, just an amazing job. *golf claps*

    1. Lol I'm not Laurie. She was part of making bhb terrible.


 Hey bichirs it’s me again I’m coming clean and admitting that it was I doing all the trolling, dozing, griefing, and spamming over the last...