Sunday, December 30, 2018

And we end the night on a high note


  1. Someone was nice enough to give me access to this page, whoever you were thank you. Also, thank you for the trust. I've only read one post so far the PSA and it's creepy as fuck..but I believe it. Wish I would of known all that years ago lol.

  2. I'm learning how to navigate here. I really think some of those "women" are awful people with no lives. What they do to people (like me last night) is absolutely bullying and yet I'm the one who gets reported for bullying. How does that work? Seriously what I picture on the other side of the screen as they are making dickhead remarks..i picture "lay in bed" moms.
    They are not "mean girls" they are bored lonely housewives who get snippy when the pills wear off. I also picture them all obese smearing bbq sauce on their keyboards while texting other bhb'ers "get in here let's take this bitch down to make ourselves feel better about our own miserable existance.
    Seems to be enough hate in here so why don't we all join in on a random attack thread and break bhb all at once? Haha!
    Do you know how many times the admins have threatened to ban me and yet my account is still active?
    Anal herpes..i wish them anal herpes.


 Hey bichirs it’s me again I’m coming clean and admitting that it was I doing all the trolling, dozing, griefing, and spamming over the last...